Venice Vintage Motorcycle Rally 2012

Just some quick snapshot photos of the day.
It started with a massive group photo of 100’s of bikes at 9AM.
Then a ride up PCH.
Then a party and judging contest on Venice Blvd.
I was there for the beginning and to see some of the winning bikes. Overall it was a good day. Lots of amazing bikes. Hot weather. Cool crowd and some really cool vendors. I’m already looking forward to next year!

Here is where it started… In line with a bunch of other bikes.

For some reason, they broke they broke us into two groups as traffic passed between on Pacific. I’m curious to see how this massive group photo turns out.

My bike in a sea of iron and sweat.

A nice R69S reflected in the tank of my bike.

Great old Norton and the R69

Getting ready to ride

The winning cafe bike (i think).

A 1939 R35 BMW that won ‘best in show’. Well deserved. Congrats to whoever owns it.

1st place in Venice Vintage Motorcycle Rally

Sunday October 22nd was the annual Venice beach Vintage Motorcycle Rally hosted by the VVMC. It was a great event complete with beer, pin up girls, and TONS of amazing bikes. It was $5 to park your bike there, $10 to enter the judging. The paper gasket on my bike’s oil filter blew out and was gushing oil so i spent Saturday morning fixing it instead of going on the vintage ride prior to the rally. If you are looking for a gasket, shop for Expanded Teflon™ PTFE Gaskets
When i got it done and got to the rally with a buddy, I figured what the hell, lets see what happens with $10 entry. A few hours later, and a few beers later i heard my name over the PA system. I was asked to bring my bike over to the stage into the ‘winners circle’. Sure enough, I WON! I’m so proud of this bike and the attention it still gets years after i got it running. And i don’t even consider myself done with it yet.
Thanks to the VVMC, the Judges and all the people who snapped photos of my bike…. and Matt who helped me make the decision to switch categories.

Great trophy that will i’m going to proudly display…somewhere. I haven’t figured out where just yet…

The Winner’s circle.

The MC and the judges. Thanks guys!

And to be honest, i thought there were nicer bikes then mine in the category but maybe i won because they were all Hondas… You don’t see enough NON-Stock BMWs out there. They are cool bikes and can be modified in nice ways… if you dare piss off the German purists.
Here are a few snaps i took while roaming the parking lot and contest entries.

This Indian was in great running condition.

A Pair of beautiful /2 BMWs.

Moto Parilla. Tasty Rims… watch for a set of those on my bike someday…

Tasty looking bicycle. I love those handlebars.

Someday… i’ll have a sidecar and a dog who will ride with me.

A Harley Davidson M65. I took this for inspiration on my little cream puff harley that is awaiting a rebirth.

Classic R90s in great shape. Too bad he too the fairing off through.

Chopped Honda.

What the hell?

April’s Vintage Venice Motorcycle ride

I attended the Venice Vintage Motorcycle ride last month. Finally downloaded the photos. Nice guys (and gals). Nice ride. Nice bikes. As the weather gets better, the rides should get more eventful…

Enjoy the photos –

BSA with a nice vintage helmet

Completely naked Ducati. All the covering and plastic has been removed and the owner made some additional mods.

Check out the exposed guts of this Ducati. Looks pretty robotic.

This paint job has been hiding out for 25 years. On the fairing it says Honda CB - X tra - Get it? ha ha...

Check out the dirtbike with the sidecar

clubmans are all the rage.

more clubman bars...

cafe helmet and goggles.

It's never a bad thing to follow a chick on a triumph.

I had to swing by one of my favorite surf shops after the ride. Mollusk is a great shop with some tasty boards.