Disassembly of an airhead R75/5 BMW final drive

Here is a photo essay of sorts detailing the disassembly of a 1973 BMW Final drive. The same applies to all 1970’s era BMW’s (R90 R100 R75 R80 /5 /6 /7 S etc). The seals were shot inside causing leaks. The splines are decent so no need to weld on a new set of splines. I plan to have the drive blasted and powder coated to match the rest of the bike for an upcoming build.

The image descriptions have notes on the disassembly.

Final drive spline rehab

I can’t remember the condition of this final drive when I assembled my 77 R100s back in 2003.  When I had my rear tire replaced recently, I noticed how terrible the splines are. The splines on the wheel are better then the final drive but they will need replacing someday too.

I found this drive with the same ratio and cleaned it up and replaced the spline.  Now it is time to swap the drives.

While it is apart, I am taking the opportunity to pull the tranny back and lube the clutch splines as well.

Bmw final drive spline

Bmw R100S final drive spline replacement

Reassembly of transmission and final drive

I’m definitely not going to take on these daunting tasks myself.  Just look at all those parts!

Someday when i have lots of extra time and extra transmissions to experiment on, i’ll try to figure this stuff out myself.

But for now, they are going to the hands of  an expert.  Luckily everything fit in the saddlebags of my R100s.

Somehow, those parts are going to fit into that shiny housing.

Final drive guts

Trany guts. Looks like a clock exploded.

BMW parts inside of BMW bags.