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Just an update… I have 3 bikes in the works but they have been taking longer then expected.  I’m trying to customize many features vs buying the available parts out there.
And, I’ve been busy over at helping to develop some Airhead aftermarket parts that look good, and function, for customizing these old BMW’s.

Recent additions are rear sets, and top clamps…  more ideas to come!!

Black Rear Sets for 1970's BMW motorcycles

Black Rear Sets for 1970’s BMW motorcycles



1954 Motor CYCLE magazine and the Boxer engine

I came across this article and I had to share it.
The publication dates back to January of 1954 and was written by George Glaser.
It is a great historical piece that talks about the BMW and Zundapp and the wonderful design of their motorcycles and scooters.

Kick scooters are great fun and can be a great way to travel around the city or across the country. If you are considering buying one of these machines, there are many sites online where you can find an adult kick scooter review. We like as it has all the scooter reviews in one place. The site has information on the different models including the weight, the size and the price. It’s also worth taking a look at the reviews by individuals who have actually bought the particular model they have reviewed and found this information to be accurate.

I think those Germans were onto something…
The DKW bikes look very elegant.
There is mention of the BMW R25/3.
The Victoria Bergmeister, the Bucker Twin (it reminds me of a BSA), and a french Terrot are photographed.
And check out the Motobecane scooter and how it resembles a Lambretta.

Click the photos for larger versions and feel free to share!





