Bridgestone 175HS Bridgestone 175HS Bridgestone175HS jjw 8514c 1967 Bridgestone 175HS custom silver frame. Coated pipes. Custom seat, handlebars. Bridgestone175HS jjw 8525c 1967 Bridgestone 175HS custom silver frame. Coated pipes. Custom seat, handlebars. Bridgestone175HS jjw 8498c 1967 Bridgestone 175HS custom silver frame. Coated pipes. Custom seat, handlebars. Bridgestone175HS jjw 8511InstaDetails Dual sprockets. One for a bigger chain and hill climb style riding. One for street. Bridgestone175HS jjw 8528InstaDetails Custom Damper knob thanks to