The owner of the bike had a good suggestion. At first i wasn’t too into the idea but now that I am seeing everything come together, I really like it.
He suggested that we powder coat the hubs in white:
We are going with some wide shoulder Akront/Morad rims. I can’t wait to see these on the bike.
I took them to Johnson and Wood in North Hollywood to get laced. They bought the spokes for me and laced them for a very affordable price and a reasonable turn around. I’m surprised when I receive responsive and courteous customer service these days and the wheel guy, Al, was great to talk to. He and I traded a few faxes and phone calls talking about the proper offset. He was proud to give the wheels back to me and offered to re-adjust the offset if i felt that anything seemed incorrect.
Test fit and I’m dying to get some rubber on these dubs.
Rub a dub dub. New Battlax BT45 Bridgestones ready for the roads!
Which rear suspension are you using? i’m assuming it’s a full threaded body, adjustable shock height, and adjustable rebound.
I’m trying to build a R80/7 myself.
Hello Joe, they are YSS shocks. I bought them from a dealer in PA. Nice guy who took my measurements and riding style into consideration before he sent me the shocks.